Sequence Search |Advanced Search |SPARQL
Showing 1 - 10 of 10 result(s)

Altered Sequence Activities
AlteredSequenceActivities_collection Version 1 (Collection)
A set of activities to point to ways in which sequences have been altered between source and upload.
Composite Sequence Pull
Composite Version 1 (Activity)
When multiple sources where combined to make a new part.
GC Optimised Sequence Pull
GC_Optimised Version 1 (Activity)
Used to indicate that a sequence was GC optimised after pulling from the source and before submission
Truncated Sequence Pull
Truncated Version 1 (Activity)
Used to indicate that a sequence was truncated after pulling from the source and before submission
Unknown Alteration Sequence Pull
Unknown Version 1 (Activity)
Used to indicate that a sequence alteration was made between the source and the submission but the nature of the alteration is unknown
Codon Optimised Sequence Pull
codon_optimisation Version 1 (Activity)
Used to indicate that a sequence was codon optimised after pulling from the source and before submission
Sequence Cut Out of Plasmid
cut_out_of_plasmid Version 1 (Activity)
Used to indicate that a sequence was cut out of the plasmid referenced as the source
Direct Sequence Pull
direct Version 1 (Activity)
Used to indicate that a sequence was pulled directly from a source with no alterations made
Sequence Pull with Mutations
mutations Version 1 (Activity)
Used to indicate that a sequence had mutations added after pulling from the source and before submission
Reverse Orientation Sequence Pull
reverse_orientation Version 1 (Activity)
Used to indicate that a sequence's orientation was reversed (e.g. 3' to 5' becomes 5' to 3') after pulling from the source and before submission
Showing 1 - 10 of 10 result(s)